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Connecticut Association of Boards of Education

School Safety and Concerns

Resources for Responding to Student Walkouts

School Districts Develop a Broad Approach to Student Well-Being - July 2, 2015

Connecticut School Security Symposium - January 7, 2013  HANDOUTS

CDC - Safe Youth, Safe Schools

Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools

A resource we want to offer to boards to share with your Superintendent or administration is

There you will find information regarding talking with children about violence, school safety and death should it be needed.


The Commission on Children has added a resource center to their website that you and the parents and teachers with whom you interact may find useful:

"Helping children and adults cope with events like the Newtown school shootings"

The Official Blog of the U.S. Department of Education - Resources for Schools to Prepare for and Recover from Crisis


National Association of School Psychologist-

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

You can also find additional information under Being PreparedImmediately After the Event as well as Resources for School Attorneys.