Connecticut Online Policy Service
Lighten your load with instant, current and
"searchable" access to board policies!
Post your Policies Online with CABE's
Connecticut Online Policy Service
CABE's Policy Service offers school districts an economical way to make all your district's policies fingertip accessible on the internet.
- CABE's online policy service now gives school districts the instant, current and "searchable" access they need to board policies.
- Save your staff time in copying and distributing new or revised policies.
- Give board members, staff and the public the information they need, at their fingertips.
How Will This State-of-the-Art Technology Help School Districts?
- Get a powerful digital document platform to search masses of reference information
- User-friendly interface
- High speed access to critical information in time of crisis
- Get quick answers using familiar easy-to-use tools
- Requires no special training, even for casual computer users
- Full text searching, easy navigation, hit highlighting at your fingertips
- Instant results, even if your policies are many gigabytes in size
- References to Connecticut General Statutes cited as the legal basis of your policies
- Enhanced administrators' understanding of the district's policies and legal requirements
- Access to a paperless manual that can always be up-to-date
What are the Benefits of the Connecticut Online Policy Service?
Board policy manuals posted on the Internet using CABE's C.O.P.S. program enjoy these advantages:
- Instantly available to board members, staff, public
- East to use
- Faster updates
- Paperless efficiency
- Searchable information
- Links to Connecticut General Statutes
- Links to cross-referenced policies
- Reduced administrative costs
How Does the Connecticut Online Policy Service (C.O.P.S.) Work?
- School board policy is converted into a CABE database using a sophisticated, digital publishing platform.
- Cross-references and legal references are digitally linked for full viewing by users.
- The database is transmitted to a powerful server and posted on our hosting site.
CABE supplies the district with a URL to include as a link on its school district home page.
When boards make changes to their policies, they simply transmit them to CABE and and CABE will post them online. Updates are allowed on an unlimited basis throughout the year.
Year 1: The set-up charge includes the first 12 months of hosting fees and unlimited revisions during the year.
Initial contracts are for two years and renewable annually.
Fee: Based on school district enrollment and CABE membership.
Year 2: Subsequent Years, Annual Renewals: When starting C.O.P.S., the first year of hosting and unlimited revisions during year one are included in the set-up fee.
Districts initially enroll for two years, representing a commitment of the set-up annual hosting and updating fee; and agreement for a second year for the hosting and updated revision fee only.
Fee: Based on school district enrollment and CABE membership.
Contact CABE's Policy Staff:
- Jody I. Goeler, Senior Staff Associate for Policy Service
- Pamela Brooks, Senior Administrative Associate for Policy Service
- Shannon Hamilton, Administrative Associate for Policy Service
Or click here, for a Contact Form in PDF format that you can print and either fax or mail to the Policy Department.
To see the Districts we are working with please click here.