Policy Update Service
What is the Policy Update Service?
The Policy Update Service serves as a guidance tool to help maintain and keep your policy manual up-to-date.
The Update Service is mailed to the District four times during the school year. Each issue contains either new topics of interest or policy implications that were affected by state, federal, or judicial decisions.
Each section is prefaced with a complete explanation of the topic as well as sample policies and regulations that are ready to be implemented into the district's policy manual.
Below is a sampling of the topics that will be discussed in the fourth update mailing which will be sent to subscribing districts in August 2023. This issue contains materials pertaining to topics for your information and use.
A. P.A. 23-167: AAC Transparency in Education. B. P.A. 23-150: AAC Early Childhood Education, An Audit of The State-Wide Mastery Examination, The Establishment of the Connecticut Civics Education and Media Literacy Task Force, The Provision of Special Education, And A Bill of Rights for Multilingual Learner Students. C. P.A. 23-159: AAC Teachers and Paraeducators. D. P.A. 23-145: An Act Revising the State’s Anti-Discrimination Statutes. E. P.A. 23-137: AAC Resources and Support Services for Persons with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability. F. Educational Opportunities for Military Children. G. P.A. 21-199: An Act Concerning Various Revisions and Additions to the Statutes Relating to Education and Workforce Development. AAC – An Act Concerning |
Why Subscribe?
Becoming an Update Subscriber provides the District an opportunity to stay on top of issues while maintaining their manual one step at a time. In addition, if done diligently, it will avoid having to redo the manual and having to start from the beginning. This is a saving in time, effort and cost.
Quarterly Policy Update Service -- $350 – This service provides districts with updates for existing policy manuals reflecting changes in the state and federal law and any judicial action affecting policy and current policy topics of importance and interest. The quarterly Policy Update Publication includes hard copy and electronic version in MS Word format.
For more information about this service, please contact CABE Policy Department.