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Connecticut Association of Boards of Education

Policy Services


A school board policy manual that is comprehensive, up-to-date, and legally correct:

  • Assures your policies are valid under Connecticut law.

  • Ensures the district's compliance with legislative requirements and State Department regulations.

  • Establishes a legal record, since policies carry the force of the law for a school system.

  • Ensures that both explicit and implied policies do not get "lost" in the minutes, files or various handbooks.

  • Improves the efficiency of the board and administration by establishing clear guidelines for decision-making.

  • Clarifies board, superintendent and staff relationships.

  • Fosters stability and continuity as board and staff members change.

  • Promotes positive community relations by informing the public of the board's goals and procedures.

  • Provides for fair, reasonable and consistent treatment of issues.

  • Helps the board in assessing the system's educational services.

  • Helps staff members to assess their individual roles within the framework of the system.

  • Improves the orientation process for new board members.

  • Provides an effective method for evaluating superintendent performance.

KEY QUESTIONS ON POLICY - Answers common questions such as:

  • Why do we need policy?

  • What is policy?

  • Where do policies come from?

  • Who can suggest policies?

  • How to make policy better?

  • What is the legal authority for policy?

  • How is policy related to rules and regulations?

  • Who implements policy?

  • Who evaluates the effectiveness of policy?

  • What power do policies have?

  • When is a policy needed?

  • Who approves policy?

  • Who should write policy?

  • Where should the policies be located?


  • What is an Administrative Regulation?

  • Administrative Regulation definition.

  • Why is an Administrative Regulation important?