CABE Search Services - CABE Search Services was formed to support CABE's ongoing efforts to provide local boards of education with the resources they need to govern their districts effectively and productively. As such, we are uniquely qualified to assist school districts to recruit and retain key personnel. We specialize in executive searches tailored to the specific needs of Connecticut districts.
CABE Search Services combines the resources of CABE with a team of experienced and talented Human Resource professionals to bring results – Results by Association.
Field Services - CABE offers customized individual workshops for member boards. Our facilitators can present workshops on a variety of topics, including roles and responsibilities, superintendent search, evaluation, and other leadership skills. We also assist districts by facilitating self-evaluation, goals setting, board-superintendent relations or other similar activities. (CABE staff: Nicholas Caruso)
Policy Service - Boards of education and school administrators must deal with a staggering amount of state and federal regulations in managing an educational system. We can provide assistance to your board in developing and maintaining a well-organized, comprehensive and usable manual of school board policies, administrative regulations and by-laws. We can provide guidance for boards of education in formulating policy, and for superintendents and their staff in carrying out their administrative functions. (CABE staff: Jody Goeler)
Unemployment Insurance Cost Control Service - The cost of unemployment claims can have a significant impact on a district's budget. Our unemployment cost control service, provided by Corporate Cost Control, can help districts prepare for terminations in order to avoid unnecessary claims, contest inappropriate claims and deal with appeal hearings. Included in the service is training of supervisors, assisting the district in responding to claims and auditing every dollar charged to the district. Contact Wendy DeBarge at 860.571.7446 for more information.