CABE/CAPSS Convention
November 15 and 16, 2024
Mystic Marriott Hotel, Groton
The CABE/CAPSS Convention provides Connecticut board of education members and superintendents the opportunity to acquire knowledge through general sessions and workshops that can help them prepare students to be successful in the 21st Century. Attend the Convention and experience a day focused on student growth. Hear from top-level education thought leaders on the latest educational initiatives, celebrate Connecticut's talented students, network with school leaders from throughout the State. More Information.
Registration is Now Open
for all Superintendents and Board Members!
• Late registration fees begin October 12, 2024 •
Please give us an idea of which workshops you might be interested in attending
by completing this short SURVEY.
Hotel Reservations
Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa
Take advantage of the special group rate of $167 USD per night.
Last Day to Book at special rate: Friday, October 18, 2024 at 4:00 PM EST (or until the block is full, whichever comes first)
- Agenda
- Workshop Descriptions
- Speakers
- Sponsorship Opportunities and Advertising
- Sponsors
- Handouts
- Workshop Evaluations
- Exhibitor Information
- Talented Students
CABE/CAPSS Convention
Friday, November 15, 2024
7:30 - 8:45 am Registration Begins
8:45 - 10:45 am Welcome ♦ Marriott Ballroom
Student Performance | Remarks | CAPSS Superintendent of the Year
Keynote Address - Dr. Timothy Shriver
Session A Workshops ♦ 10:55 am - 12:15 pm
A1 Legislative Update (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
A2 Leveraging Data to Prepare Every Student for Post-Secondary Success (APE, DEI)
A3 Understanding Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Act (Including Recent Updates) (C, TOOLS)
A4 Do You Believe in the Power of Education? (APE)
A5 Awareness, Inclusivity, and Safety: An Overview of How School Districts Should Support Transgender
and Gender Non-Conforming Students (C, DEI, TOOLS)
A6 Legal Issues (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
A7 The Seven Core Competencies Needed by Superintendents Today (APE)
A8 Meeting with the State Board of Education (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
12:15 - 12:45 pm Networking, Reception, Exhibits ♦ Mystic Ballroom
12:45 - 2:15 pm Luncheon | Acknowledgment of Guests | Student Performance | Student Panel | Networking ♦ Marriott Ballroom
2:15 - 2:45 pm Dessert/Networking in Exhibit Area ♦ Mystic Ballroom
Session B Workshops ♦ 2:50 - 4:10pm
B1 Roles and Responsibilities of Board of Education Members and Superintendents (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
B2 Success at the Bargaining Table (TOOLS)
B3 AI Equity, Literacy, and What’s Next for Connecticut (DEI)
B4 Increasing Student Achievement through High Dosage Tutoring (APE, TOOLS)
B5 A Framework to Implement Equity in Your School District (DEI)
B6 Communities Divided: How to Navigate Polarizing Issues (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
Session C Clinic ♦ 2:50 - 4:50 pm
C1 35th Annual Meeting of the Nutmeg Board (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
C2 Creating a Districtwide Instructional Vision: Theory, Research, and Practice (APE, DEI, TOOLS)
Session D Workshops ♦ 4:10 - 5:30pm
D1 Policy (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
D2 Transforming Communication: Leveraging Storytelling for Advocacy in Education (APE, DEI, TOOLS)
D3 How to Have Successful, Difficult Conversations NOW! (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
D4 The Anatomy of a Discipline Case: Perspectives from a Superintendent, Human Resources, and a Board Attorney (TOOLS)
D5 Districtwide Master Planning: A Tool for Aligning School Facilities with Your District’s Educational Mission and Strategic Plan (APE, DEI, TOOLS)
D6 Board Chair Check-In (APE, C, DEI )
5:30 - 6:05 pm Reception ♦ Marriott Pre-function Space
6:05 - 8:15 pm Dinner ♦ Marriott Ballroom
Election Results | President’s Remarks | Teacher of the Year
8:15 - 11:00 pm Evening Reception ♦ Mystic Ballroom
Saturday, November 16, 2024
7:30 - 8:30 am Registration Begins
8:30 - 9:30 am General Session ♦ Marriott Ballroom
Welcome | Student Performance
Keynote Address - Beth “Morning Deer” Regan
9:35 - 10:45 am Student Session - Policy into Practice (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
Session E Workshops ♦ 9:35 - 10:45 am
E1 An Overview of Media Literacy Policy in K12 Classrooms and Opportunities for Policymakers (APE)
E2 Streamlining Strategies for Strategic Planning (TOOLS)
E3 Every Student Served: Development of In-District Sites for Special Education Programming (APE, DEI, TOOLS)
E4 You Have an AI Policy – What’s Next? Strategic Planning to Support Digital Literacy (TOOLS)
E5 Career Pathways: Access and Opportunity for Students Aligned with Connecticut’s High Growth/High Demand
Industries (DEI)
E6 Today’s Hot Topics (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
Session F Clinic ♦ 9:35 - 11:35 am
F1 Resolving Dissonance: IPEC Framework to Improve Boardroom Cohesion and Manage Conflict (C)
Session G Workshops ♦ 10:50 am - 12:00 pm
G1 Student Driven News Broadcasts – Increasing Student Voice and Empowering Students (APE, C, DEI)
G2 Great Schools Have Great Arts Programs! How Strong Arts Programs Will Positively Transform Your
School Culture (APE, TOOLS)
G3 Building Safe Schools: Cultivating a Culture for School Safety (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
11:40 am - 12:00 pm Networking and Reception ♦ Marriott Ballroom Lobby
12:05 - 1:35 pm Luncheon | Adjourn
APE - Advocacy for Public Education | C - Civility | DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | TOOLS - Tools for New Board Members and Superintendents
Workshop Descriptions
Session A Workshops ♦ 10:55 am - 12:15 pm
A1 Legislative Update (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
With a January start the General Assembly will be considering work on special education, 119k Commission among other issues.
Patrice McCarthy, Executive Director and General Counsel, CABE,
Sheila McKay, Associate Executive Director for Government Relations, CABE
A2 Leveraging Data to Prepare Every Student for Postsecondary Success (APE, DEI)
Participants will understand how high schools are strengthening their approaches to collecting, synthesizing, and leveraging student data. We will explore how one Connecticut district – Meriden Public Schools – is supporting staff to disaggregate and analyze student data to close opportunity and achievement gaps and support every student’s postsecondary success. Finally we will identify opportunities for board members and district administrators to adapt strategies used in Meriden to their local contexts and ensure success for every student, especially those students who have been traditionally marginalized.
Maddy Sims, Director, Columbia University Center for Public Research & Leadership (CPRL);
Louis Bronk, Assistant Superintendent, Meriden;
Peter Civitello, Director of Secondary School Leadership, Meriden
A3 Understanding Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Act (Including Recent Updates) (C, TOOLS)
Upon completion of this workshop, the audience will hopefully have a better understanding of the FOIA, so that a) board meetings can function more smoothly and in compliance with current laws (especially with respect to “remote” and “hybrid” meetings), b) board members and school administrators are more aware of the public (or private/exempt) nature of records they may receive and create, especially in light of modern technologies and new remote rules, and c) board members and school administrators can properly respond to FOIA requests, and also avoid FOIC complaints. The presentation will be designed both for persons a) with little/no experience with the FOIA, and b) those just needing a FOIA “refresher.”
Mark Sommaruga, Attorney, Pullman & Comley LLC;
Russell Blair, Director of Education and Communications, CT Freedom of Information Commission
A4 Forward-Thinking Educational Approaches: Let’s Dream Big, Implement New Ideas, and Promote Innovation!
Did you know our current educational system was designed over two hundred years ago? Do you believe it is a system that meets the current needs of all students, staff and families? Are we satisfied with the current results we are seeing? Are we truly preparing students for their future? This workshop aims to drive robust conversations about change (Warning…Yes, this can be SCARY) guiding participants to think beyond current structures to collaborate, and to engage in some redesign thinking that might be able to be applied in their own district.
Cynthia Ritchie, Superintendent of Schools, New London;
Jennifer Hills-Papetti, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, New London
A5 Awareness, Inclusivity, and Safety: An Overview of How School Districts Should Support Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students (C, DEI, TOOLS)
This session will provide an overview of how school districts and their school boards should meet their obligations to support transgender and gender non-conforming students. Starting with a review of applicable federal and state laws, along with the 2024 Guidance from the Connecticut State Department of Education, we will discuss what appropriate implementation of school district obligations looks like. We will also cover both common and unique concerns regarding the balance and overlap between a school district’s obligations to transgender and gender non-conforming students and other obligations such to parents, under FERPA, the IDEA, and Section 504. Bring your questions and concerns!
Herbie Rosen, Attorney, Berchem Moses PC;
Christine Sullivan, Attorney, Berchem Moses PC
A6 Legal Issues (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
Join CABE's Deputy General Counsel for a presentation on recent court cases involving important topics.
Conrad Vahlsing, Deputy General Counsel, CABE
A7 The Seven Core Competencies Needed by Superintendents Today (APE)
Come and learn about the seven Core Competencies needed by today’s superintendents to work effectively with a Board of Education and lead a district to success for all students. Participants will dive deeply into each competency and discuss examples of the competencies in action.
Kelly Lyman, Executive Leadership Program Coordinator, University of Connecticut;
Joseph Macary, Superintendent, Vernon
A8 Meeting with the State Board of Education (APE, C)
Take advantage of this opportunity to meet with members of the State Board of Education and the Commissioner of Education. We encourage you to share your views on issues of concern to you, your Board and your community and to ask about the State Board's priorities for 2024-2025. The format will be informal as group size permits.
Members of the CT State Board of Education;
Charlene Russell-Tucker, Commissioner, CT State Department of Education
Session B Workshops ♦ 2:50 – 4:10 pm
B1 Roles and Responsibilities of Board Members and Superintendents (APE, C)
Connecticut's educational leaders recognize the power and potential to improve teaching and learning in our public schools through cooperative, purposeful and professional working relationships between superintendents and boards of education.
Leonard Lockhart, President, CABE, Board Member, Windsor;
Maureen Brummett, President CAPSS, Superintendent, Newington;
Patrice McCarthy, Executive Director and General Counsel, CABE;
Fran Rabinowitz, Executive Director, CAPSS
B2 Success at the Bargaining Table (TOOLS)
Consider strategies for successful negotiations and implement practical approaches to achieving your goals.
Richard Mills, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin;
Sarah Gleason, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin
B3 AI Equity, Literacy, and What’s Next for Connecticut (DEI)
Understand How to Address AI Equity: Learn strategies to ensure every student has access to purposeful student-facing AI, addressing the digital divide and fostering equitable learning access.
Gain Insight from Practical Experiences: Absorb lessons from the EdAdvance AI pilot program and explore how to apply best practices and avoid pitfalls with respect to student data privacy.
Develop a Roadmap for Future Implementation: Receive guidance on incorporating equitable student facing AI into educational programs, equipping students, teachers and administrators with the skills needed for implementation.
Matt Mervis, Director, Skills21 and AI Strategy, EdAdvance
B4 Increasing Student Achievement through High Dosage Tutoring (APE, TOOLS)
Understand High Dosage Tutoring, how it has helped districts in Connecticut recover from pandemic learning loss, and why it is one of the three named priorities for the US Department of Education.
Participants will understand the potency and importance of High Dosage Tutoring for their most underperforming and underprivileged students. They will understand what High Dosage Tutoring has done for multiple districts in Connecticut and be introduced to data that shows that not only is HDT addressing learning loss and increasing student engagement, but also aiding in the fight against chronic absenteeism.
This workshop will squarely address the topic of: Creative approaches to increasing student achievement. However, it will also demonstrate: Building Capacity, Innovation, and Mental Health and Social and Emotional Learning by providing an overview of how individualized attention can impact students with emotional struggles.
Isaak Aronson, Founder/CEO, SmartStart Education, LLC;
Madeline Negron, Superintendent, New Haven;
Tracy Youngberg, Superintendent, Windham
B5 A Framework to Implement Equity in Your School District (DEI)
This workshop aims to provide participants with a practical necessary framework that offers guidance, structure, and support in integrating equity into their daily practices. In today's educational landscape, the topic of equity looms large. While there is a collective desire to address inequities, there is also a sense of trepidation about where to begin and how to sustain meaningful change. Moreover, the current climate of uncertainty and the pressures of day-to-day operations can further hinder our capacity to prioritize equity. We will introduce participants to the "Five Equity Elements" framework to serve as a guiding light, offering a structured approach to implementing equity initiatives within school districts. While we will introduce the five elements, this session will dive deeply into the Core Lines of Action element. With interactive presentations, group discussions, case studies, and/or hands-on activities, participants will have the opportunity to engage with the Five Equity Elements framework in a practical and meaningful way, allowing them to apply its principles to their specific contexts.
Matt Geary, Superintendent, Manchester;
Diane Clare-Kearney, Director of Equity and Adult Education, Manchester;
Sinthia Sone-Moyano, Deputy Commissioner for Educational Supports and Wellness, CT State Department of Education
B6 Communities Divided: How to Navigate Polarizing Issues
When communities are divided over the “hot button” political issues of the day, Superintendents and Boards of Education often find themselves at the center of deeply polarized community debates. Fierce disagreement over mascots, diversity/equity/inclusion work, LGBTQ+ students, cell phone restrictions, and other wedge issues have sparked explosive contention in the press, on social media, and at public meetings. A veteran K-12 communications specialist will share experiences and strategies to help your district navigate and manage controversial issues.
Chris Horan, Founder and Managing Partner, Horan Communications
Session C Clinics ♦ 2:50 – 4:50 pm
C1 36th Annual Meeting of the Nutmeg Board (APE, C)
With interactive presentations, group discussions, case studies, and/or hands-on activities, participants will have the opportunity to engage with the Five Equity Elements framework in a practical and meaningful way, allowing them to apply its principles to their specific contexts.
Thomas Mooney, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin; Cast TBD
C2 Creating a Districtwide Instructional Vision: Theory, Research, and Practice (APE, DEI, TOOLS)
We will articulate the importance and power of having a district vision for ambitious and equitable instruction and Identify and diagnose roadblocks to establishing a district vision for instruction. Next steps for developing or strengthening their district's vision for instruction will be identified and finally we will connect with other districts who are interested in sharing resources and collaborating around advancing a vision of instruction.
Richard Lemons, Executive Director, Partners for Educational Leadership; Anna Cutaia, Superintendent of Schools, Milford Public Schools
Session D Workshops ♦ 4:10 – 5:30 pm
D1 Policy (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
Join CABE staff for a presentation on a variety of policy topics. The discussion will range from boards’ policy-making philosophies, to recent policy issues and mandates, to a look ahead to future policy considerations.
Jody Goeler, Sr. Staff Associate for Policy Services, CABE
D2 Transforming Communication: Leveraging Storytelling for Advocacy in Education (APE, DEI, TOOLS)
An immersive workshop where we will showcase the innovative communication strategies implemented by Windsor Public Schools to advocate for public education and engage all stakeholders effectively. Through a multi-tiered approach, we have transformed communication efforts, ensuring transparency, accessibility, and meaningful engagement across our diverse community.
Terrell Hill, Superintendent, Windsor,
Gianna Gill, District Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator, Windsor
D3 How to Have Successful, Difficult Conversations NOW! (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
Attendees will acquire practical tools essential for effectively engaging in difficult, contentious, or polarizing, discussions by building an understanding of the 3 levels of conversations; expanding their knowledge of dialogues, active listening, and perspective taking and examining the role effective communication plays during difficult conversations.
Peggy Bud, Communication Consultant, Speaking Skillfully, CAPSS (consultant);
Fran Rabinowitz, Executive Director, CAPSS;
Terry Carroll, Professional Learning Facilitator, CAPSS
D4 The Anatomy of a Discipline Case: Perspectives from a Superintendent, Human Resources and a Board Attorney (TOOLS)
This workshop will start with an overview of a disciplinary issue faced by a fictitious board of education. The panel, comprised of a current superintendent, a human resources professional and a board attorney, will dissect the case, educating participants on how each of these professionals approaches the case from its inception through its conclusion. Issues to be addressed will include, but not be limited to, placing an employee on administrative leave, managing the board of education and the public, conducting investigations, and imposition of discipline. An emphasis will be placed on the overlapping responsibilities faced by these professionals in a discipline case.
Daniel Murphy, Attorney, Kainen, Escalera & McHale, P.C.;
Alisha Stripling, Director of Finance and Personnel, Stonington;
Colin McNamara, Superintendent, Region 8
D5 District-Wide Master Planning, a Tool for Aligning School Facilities with Your District's Educational Mission and Strategic Plan (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
Long-range facilities planning that engages the community and governing Boards & Commissions is instrumental to forging a common vision for the community in the education of its students. This workshop will present a case study of the City of Stamford’s recent Long-Range Facilities Master Planning study. It will illustrate how advocacy for improving public education, assessment of existing facility conditions, alignment of demographics & enrollment projections to facilities, and creative planning yielded a long-range plan to address deferred maintenance, realign facilities with neighborhood demand and afford operational savings. The data-driven and inclusive process provided the necessary information to respond to questions from varying Board & Commission perspectives and integrate insights and ideas from community members into a comprehensive master plan that is currently underway.
Tamu Lucero, Superintendent, Stamford;
Kemp Morhardt, Principal & Architect, The S/L/A/M Collaborative;
Michael Zuba, Associate Principal & Director of Public Education Master Planning, The S/L/A/M Collaborative
D6 Board Chair Check-In and Update (APE, C, DEI)
This session is an extension of the virtual Board Chair Check-Ins and Updates CABE has held since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. This in-person session will allow Board Chairs to continue to have conversations and learn from one another and CABE Staff.
Patrice McCarthy, Executive Director and General Counsel, CABE
Saturday, November 16, 2023
Session E Workshops ♦ 9:35 – 10:45 am
Student Session
Student Representatives on Boards of Education: Policy into Practice (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
A PowerPoint presentation frames a stimulating conversation among students.
Eileen Baker, VP for Professional Development, CABE; Board Member, Old Saybrook
E1 An Overview of Media Literacy Policy in K-12 Classrooms and Opportunities for Policymakers (APE)
Presentation on understanding media literacy education in K-12 classrooms, the urgency and the rationale, what is happening at the state level in Connecticut in terms of policy and funding, what is happening in neighboring states, what are model policies for school boards, and what are the resources available to educators and advocates.
Erin McNeil, CEO, Media Literacy Now
E2 Streamlining Strategies for Strategic Planning (TOOLS)
The session will begin with a brief presentation describing the last three years of work our district has done to create a five-year strategic plan and subsequently aligned school improvement plans for all fifteen schools. We will then break into groups to detail how the district strategic plan has and can influence school-based actions. These breakout groups will describe strategies from building administrators and classroom teachers to student actions and achievement. All participants will be given templates to use and bring back to their own districts for district-wide goal setting, school improvement planning on a page, and detailed action plans to use as goal monitoring tools.
Toni Jones, Superintendent, Greenwich;
Michael Joseph Mercanti, Board Member, Greenwich;
Marc J. D'Amico, Chief Officer of Curriculum and Leadership K-12, Greenwich
E3 Every Student Served: Development of In-District Sites for Special Education Programming (APE, DEI, TOOLS)
Assess district needs for development of in-district special education sites to serve populations with special needs, quantify and identify the resources needed to serve special student populations, and understand the tools and strategies available to develop such programs to serve students within the district as an alternative to reliance on out of district programming. Understand the legal framework applicable to school districts under state and federal laws requiring that each student receive a free and appropriate public education, in the least restrictive environment appropriate to meet their unique needs, and providing them with access to typical peers and challenging curriculum.
Herbie Rosen, Attorney, Berchem Moses, P.C.;
Christine Chinni, Attorney, Chinni & Associates;
Heather Borges, Interim Superintendent of Schools, Special Education Director, Stratford;
Julie Carroll, Pupil Services Director, Enfield
E4 You Have an AI Policy - What's Next? Strategic Planning to Support Teachers and Students in Digital Literacy (TOOLS)
This workshop will guide public school administrators and board members through the essential steps of implementing AI into their educational strategies, building upon established AI policies. Through an engaging presentation and interactive small group discussions, participants will explore strategic planning, develop digital literacy, and craft actionable steps for AI integration. Attendees will leave with a clear roadmap to enhance their district's digital learning landscape using the CoSN AI Readiness Checklist as a foundational resource.
Ralph Valenzisi, Assistant Superintendent of Digital Learning and Innovation, Norwalk;
David Hopp, Director of Technology, Norwalk
E5 Career Pathways: Access & Opportunity for Students Aligned with CT's High-Growth/High-Demand Industries (DEI)
Understand the design and implementation behind bringing work-based learning experiences to students aligned with classroom learning in ways that enliven coursework and connect it to careers in Connecticut's high-growth, high-demand industries: engineering/manufacturing, financial/insurance services, healthcare, and information technology. Participants will be introduced to mechanisms for bringing the business voice into the school so that programming is informed by competencies sought by employers; when applied to students lacking social capital -- i.e., low-income students disproportionately represented by students of color attending Alliance District schools -- access and opportunity are increased exponentially, often leading to better academic and postsecondary outcomes.
Sheryl S. McNamee, Deputy Director, ReadyCT;
Malia Sieve, Director of Career Pathways, ReadyCT
Shannon Marimon,
Shannon Marimon, Executive Director ReadyCT
Malia Sieve, Director of Career Pathways
Malia Sieve,
E6 Today’s Hot Topics (APE, DEI, TOOLS)
Session F Clinic ♦ 9:35 -11:35 am
F1 Resolving Dissonance: IPEC Framework to Improve Boardroom Cohesion and Manage Conflict (C)
Understanding how to effectively navigate conflict and controversy amongst board members utilizing the Interprofessional Educator Collaborative (IPEC) principles as a framework as a guide for this work.
Participants will gain an understanding of the IPEC while exploring how this framework can be adapted and applied to promote civility, respectful communication, mutual respect, teamwork, and collaboration within board governance structures. They will develop practical skills and strategies for effectively resolving conflicts, managing disagreements, and promoting constructive dialogue within a board of education setting and receive tools and resources necessary to implement and sustain practices and policies that foster a culture of civility, inclusivity, and collaboration within their own Boards.
Julia Dennis, Board Chair, Berlin;
Brian Benigni, Superintendent, Berlin;
Jennifer Jurgen, Board Member, Berlin
Session G Workshops ♦ 10:50 am – 12:00 pm
G1 Student Driven News Broadcasts - Increasing Student Voice and Empowering Students (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
Students use Apple technology to write, film, and edit a student-run news program that empowers our learners, gives them a voice, fosters independence, increases motivation, and instills responsibility. Join us to learn how to engage students, foster community connections, and enhance communication in a student centered and friendly way! You will experience hands-on learning by becoming a member of our news crew!
Jeanne Ciarleglio, Technology Specialist, Woodbridge;
Rachel Robinson, Technology Specialist, Woodbridge;
Ryan Wiggins, Education Leadership Executive, Apple
G2 Great Schools Have Great Arts Programs! How Strong Arts Programs Will Positively Transform Your School Culture (APE, TOOLS)
Understand how schools with strong Arts programs, based on our state standards, can promote a healthy social and emotional climate and promote higher student engagement and achievement in their schools.
Amy Perras, President of CT Arts Administrators Association and Instructional Supervisor for Arts, Milford;
Bryan Cyr, President-Elect, CT Arts Administrators Association and Director of Instrumental Music Fine Arts Coordinator, Meriden
G3 Building Safe Schools: Cultivating a Culture for School Safety (APE, C, DEI, TOOLS)
In today's ever-changing landscape, ensuring the safety of our schools requires a collaborative effort involving all stakeholders: school administrators, board of education members, and local law enforcement. This workshop will delve into the crucial importance of building strong relationships and fostering effective communication channels among these key entities to create a comprehensive safety framework for our districts. Participants will explore key issues surrounding school safety, including threat assessment and prevention strategies, emergency response protocols, physical security measures, and the integration of mental health support services. Through interactive discussions and case studies, attendees will gain practical insights into developing and implementing effective safety policies and procedures tailored to their specific school environments.
Jordan Grossman, Superintendent, Canton Public Schools;
Lou Daniels, Board Chair, Canton Public Schools;
Chris Arciero, Chief of Police, Town of Canton
Friday Morning Keynote Speaker
Sponsored by CABE Leadership Fund, CAPSS, LEARN and the Gov. M. Jodi Rell Center for Public Service
Tim Shriver is a social leader, an educator, author, film producer, and entrepreneur. He is the Chairman of Special Olympics, and in that capacity he serves with over 4.4 million Special Olympics athletes and their families in 170 countries.
Shriver has been a part of an amazing team that has created exciting new Special Olympics programs in athlete leadership, cross-cultural research, health, education, and family support. Read more...
Saturday Morning Keynote Speaker
Beth Regan was elected to the Mohegan Council of Elders in 2014, appointed Secretary in 2016, and Vice Chairwoman in 2020.
Beth brings an extensive background in both education and athletics to her role on the Council of Elders.
With a career spanning over 35 years as a teacher at Tolland High School, she specialized in both Native American studies and Russian history, creating courses in both subjects. An integral part of the Mohegan Tribe’s partnership with the Connecticut Teacher of the Year Program, Beth has created curriculum and lessons on Mohegan history and culture for Connecticut teachers of all grade levels to incorporate into their instruction. Read more...
Sponsorship Opportunities and Advertising
Convention Sponsorship Opportunities and Advertising
See our new sponsorship benefit for all levels of sponsorship!
Click here to print a copy of the Convention Sponsorship Order Form
Click Here to print a copy of the Convention Magazine Advertising Insertion Order Form
Benefits also include all Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond Sponsorship Benefits, plus
• Placement of one information piece in Convention packets, but no catalogs, please
• Opportunity to briefly address Convention attendees
• 15% Discount on CABE Business Affiliate membership at the Gold Diamond or Platinum Levels
• 25% discount on a single advertisement in the CABE Journal
Benefits also include all Bronze, Silver, and Gold Sponsorship Benefits, plus
• One e-mail message, approved by CABE, sent on your behalf to registered Convention attendees
• Recognition in pre-Convention E-letter, sent to all board of education members and superintendents
• Sponsor logo featured on our sponsor sign, to be displayed in a highly visible area
• 20% discount on a single advertisement in the CABE Journal
GOLD SPONSORS $2,500-4,999
Benefits also include all Bronze and Silver Sponsorship Benefits, plus
• Recognition in Convention Edition of the CABE Newsletter
• List of Convention attendees containing name and district
• 15% discount on a single advertisement in the CABE Journal
SILVER SPONSORS $1,500-2,499
Benefits also include all Bronze Benefits, plus
• 10% discount on a single advertisement in the CABE Journal
• One complimentary registration for a CABE workshop (exception: CABE/CAPSS Convention)
Benefits include
• Recognition in Convention Program
• Special Sponsor Ribbon for you and your staff
• Custom signage at sponsorship site
• Recognition at the CABE website
• Sponsor name featured on highly visible display
If you would like more information, contact Lisa Steimer at 860-571-7446 or email
Your presence at the CABE/CAPSS Convention positions your company among the state's education leaders, giving you a distinct edge by participating in this premier event. From increasing awareness to generating greater booth traffic, you will undoubtedly maximize your profile to this critical market. Contact Lisa Steimer at 860-571-7446 or email for more information or to secure sponsorship. For Exhibit Hall information, contact Dawn Cole at 860-236-8640 or
2022 CABE/CAPSS Convention Sponsors
We thank the following sponsors:
CABE Leadership Fund
Shipman & Goodwin
Berchem Moses PC
Pullman & Comley
The Governor M. Jodi Rell Center for Public Service
Fullmind Learning
To view/print workshop handouts, click here.
Workshop Evaluations
Exhibitor Information
To exhibit at the CABE/CAPSS Convention contact Dawn Cole at 860-236-8640 or
To purchase meal tickets click here.
Talented Students
Showcase your students at the
2024 CABE/CAPSS Convention!
The Convention provides an excellent platform for your students to demonstrate their skills and innovation, and to entertain educational leaders from all over Connecticut and New England. We are seeking a variety of diverse and talented student performing groups to help kick off the General Sessions on Friday and Saturday morning!
Please share this with your music and theatre teachers and club advisors!
Applications Closed
To have your students considered, you must send a video and any supporting data to show the diversity of talent to:
81 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, CT 06109,
Attention: Lisa Steimer