CABE's Mission
"To assist local and regional boards of education in providing high quality public education for all Connecticut children through effective leadership."
CABE'S Vision
CABE is passionate about strengthening public education through high-performing, transformative local school board/superintendent leadership teams that inspire success for each child.
Our Members
CABE represents nearly all boards of education across Connecticut. School boards are comprised of citizens, elected or appointed, who work with their superintendents to provide the best education possible in their communities.
CABE offers in-service education, throughout the state, to school board members via workshops and seminars. We also conduct customized workshops for individual boards upon request.
CABE believes that providing board members with in-depth, timely knowledge through concise periodicals, videos and an ever-expanding repertoire of research reports gives them the tools they need to do the best job for their school district.
CABE Staff: Lisa Steimer
CABE advocates on behalf of boards of education at the state and federal level before the legislature, Congress, and state and federal agencies.
CABE Staff: Sheila McKay and Gail Heath
CABE provides legal assistance to boards of education and superintendents, as well as participating as amicus curiae in cases of statewide significance.
CABE supplies a variety of services to its member boards of education to help them conduct the business of the school district more efficiently and effectively. These include:
Negotiations Service
CABE experienced staff collects and disseminates information on all aspects of school district labor and employee relations. School board labor agreements and the arbitration process in Connecticut are traced, recorded by CABE staff, and made available to you. CABE can provide comparative data to strengthen your negotiating position.
CABE Staff: Conrad Vahlsing and Wilmarie Newton
Policy Service
Boards of education and school administrators must deal with a staggering number of state and federal laws, regulations and judicial decisions in managing their school districts. Our knowledgeable staff can provide you with accurate, up-to-date information you need to develop and maintain a well-organized, comprehensive and usable manual of school board policies, administrative regulations and bylaws.
CABE offers six levels of service: The Connecticut Reference Manual, Connecticut Online Policy Service, Customized Policy Service, Policy Audit Service, Policy Update Service and Basic Policy Information.
CABE Staff: Jody I. Goeler, Pam Brooks and Shannon Hamilton
Unemployment Insurance Cost Control Service
This service provides you with before the fact consultation and supervisory training on handling a warning, termination, or even a voluntary quit. By utilizing this expert advice, you limit your chances of having to pay an unemployment claim. Other services included are: claims processing, administration and unemployment appeals hearings.
CABE Staff: Wendy DeBarge
Individualized Board Workshops
CABE offers customized individual workshops for member boards. Our facilitators can present workshops on a variety of topics, including roles and responsibilities, superintendent search, evaluation, and other leadership skills. We also assist districts by facilitating self-evaluation, goals setting, board-superintendent relations or other similar activities.
CABE Staff: Nick Caruso and Lisa Steimer
CABE Search Services
This service was formed to support CABE's ongoing efforts to provide local boards of education with qualified chief executive officers to lead their districts effectively and productively. CABE is uniquely qualified to assist school districts recruit and retain key personnel. CABE Search Services combines the resources of CABE with an experienced and talented Human Resources professional to bring results - Results by Association.
Search Consultant: Dr. Mary Broderick