Educational Affiliates
Read the Education Affiliate Guide for more information.
Education Affiliate Application Form
ACES (Area Cooperative Educational Services)
ACES is a Regional Educational Service Agency in Connecticut, offering specialized services like special education, professional development, and therapy. ACES operates special education schools and magnet schools, partnering with districts to meet diverse student needs and enhance educational experiences through innovative programs and solutions. 370 James Street, North Haven, CT 06513 –Phone 203-498-6838 – Contact: Timothy Howes, Deputy Executive Director – Email: – Website:
ASD (American School for the Deaf)
ASD maintains a website, The website includes information, news, events and calendar. Each main program has a separate section with in-depth information. There is a section that lists all senior managers with contact information. There is also a parent section. 139 North Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06107 – Phone 860-570-1816 – Contact – Jeffrey S. Bravin, Executive Director – Email: – Website:
Booker T. Washington Academy
We are a New Haven Charter School committed to providing a safe, nurturing and challenging learning environment with the aim of producing responsible and productive citizens prepared to successfully compete in the global marketplace. 804 State Street, New Haven, CT 06511 – Phone 203-691-6535 – Contact – Emily Jackson, Chief Operating Officer – Email: – Website:
Bridge Academy
A small, caring, public charter school with a rigorous learning environment . All members of the Bridge Academy community listen to and communicate with each other, are able to respond to diverse needs and give the consistent effort necessary to personal and academic growth. Serving students from grade 7-12.
160 Pulaski Street, Bridgeport, CT 06608– Phone 203-336-9999 – Website:
CAACE ( Connecticut Association for Adult and Continuing Education)
CAACE provides leadership in advancing the concept of lifelong learning and to conduct, promote and sponsor professional development. Phone 860-929-9530 Email: - Website:
CASBO ( Connecticut Association of School Business Officials)
CASBO is a non-profit professional association for school business officials. Our core purpose is to support innovative business stewardship for education. 11 High Gate Lane, West Hartford, CT 06107 - Phone 860-519-0023 - Contact Sharon Bruce, Executive Director - Email: - Website:
C.E.S. (Cooperative Educational Services)
The mission of C.E.S. is to identify and provide quality educational opportunities for educators, students, families and communities. 40 Lindeman Drive, Trumbull, CT 06611 - Phone 203-365-8803 - Contact Dr. Charles Dumais, Executive Director - Email: - Website:
Connecticut Arts Administrators Association
The Connecticut Arts Administrators Association provides professional development for leaders of arts education from diverse settings. It furnishes a forum in which arts education leaders may participate in advancing statewide policies that affect local arts education as well as other activities that increase students' access to quality education in all of the arts. 3 Lake View Terrace, Sandy Hook, CT 06482 - Phone 203-417-5896 - Contact Rick Sadlon, Executive Director - Email: - Website:
Connecticut Technical High School System
The Connecticut Technical High School System (CTHSS) currently operates 17 diploma granting technical high schools, one technical education center and two aviation maintenance programs located throughout the state. The system serves approximately 11,200 full time students along with 2,200 apprenticeship students while offering comprehensive training in 31 occupational careers. 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457- Phone 860-807-2225- Contact -Jeffrey Wihbey, Superintendent. - Email: - Website:
CREC (Capitol Region Education Council)
CREC is a non-profit, regional educational service center serving 35 Greater Hartford, CT public school districts. It was founded in 1966 by local school districts working together to solve common problems. Today, CREC administers more than 100 programs and services spanning the entire educational spectrum with the same goal in mind. CREC works with local boards of education of the capitol region to improve the quality of public education for all learners. In addition to promoting interdistrict cooperation and collaboration, CREC strives to listen and respond to client needs and to provide leadership in the region through the quality of its services. Because of this focus, and thanks to an organizational culture that embraces change and growth, CREC programs and services are continually expanding and multiplying. 111 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 – Phone 860-524-4063 – Contact Greg Florio, Executive Director - Email: – Website:
CSBGA (Connecticut School Building and Grounds Association)
The CSBGA, founded in 1974 as a professional trade organization working over the years to encourage school Facility Directors, Custodial and maintenance Supervisors, School Business Officials and Suppliers, to work together respectfully and professionally. You can depend on the CSBGA to help build and develop your future. P.O. Box 438, Bloomfield, CT 06002 - Phone 860-769-4221 - Fax - 860-769-4235 - Contact -Wayne Casper, Sec/Treas. - Email: - Website:
CSCA (Connecticut School Counselors Association)
Since 1963 CSCA has been promoting leadership and creating a professional school counseling identity achieved by connecting, supporting and empowering school counselors through professional learning and advocacy. Our mission is to promote excellence in professional school counseling, college/career readiness, personal/social-emotional development and equitable access for all students. P.O. Box 4635, Wallingford, CT 06492 -
Phone 203-985-5181 - Contact -Michelle Catucci, Executive Director - Email: - Website:
EASTCONN is one of six non-profit Regional Educational Service Centers in Connecticut. Established by state statute in 1980, EASTCONN provides high-quality, cost-effective education programs and services for northeastern Connecticut's schools, organizations, communities and individuals of all ages. EASTCONN is headquartered in Hampton, and employs 670 employees who work in partnership with 33 towns and 36 boards of education in the northeastern corner of the state to provide a range of services that include: early childhood programs, such as Birth to Three and Head Start; special education schools and programs; magnet high schools; psychological and behavioral consultation; adult education and ESL programs; customized professional learning across a ranges of disciplines; strategic planning; embedded staff support; school operations support; employment and training services; technology solutions and software design; cooperative purchasing and more. EASTCONN’s well-equipped fleet of 110 buses and vans provides transportation for fragile and special needs students, as well as adults traveling to EASTCONN training programs, and students traveling to after-school events.
376 Hartford Turnpike, Hampton, CT 06247 – Phone 860-455-0707 - Contact Gary S. Mala, Executive Director – Email: – Website:
EdAdvance is one of Connecticut's six Regional Educational Service Centers. Our mission is to promote the success of school districts and their communities. Collaboratively with them, we provide educational and related services. A continuing commitment to quality and excellence is our standard of performance.
355 Goshen Road, P.O. Box 909, Litchfield, CT 06759-0909 - Phone 860-567-0863 - Contact Jeffrey Kitching, Executive Director - Email: - Website:
EDC Solutions
EDC Solutions helps educators provide high-quality academic instruction in an environment that integrates mental health and social-emotional learning for all. Our direct, customizable, and cost-effective services help educators implement a multi-tiered systems approach to integrated academics and instruction, social- emotional learning, and mental health at schools and across districts.
300 Fifth Avenue, Suite 200, Waltham, MA 02451 - Phone 617-969-7100 - Contact Tori Todd, Project Director 1 - Email: - Website:
Edmonds Cofield Preparatory Academy for Young Men
Edmonds Cofield Preparatory Academy for Young Men is a 5th to 8th grade tuition fee public charter school where excellent teachers prepare diverse cohorts of young men to be resourceful critical thinkers who have achieved mastery of their learning. Through experience and exposure to real-world choices and responsibilities, our young men gain pride in themselves, their peers, and their work.
794 Dixwell Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511 - Phone 475-361-1354 - Contact Shebaniah Muhammad Website:
Explorations Charter School
It is the goal of Explorations Charter School to develop students into adults who will be good citizens, good and productive role models and giving individuals who will make a positive contribution to society. We are one of Connecticut's first Charter Schools founded to meet the needs of bright high school students who were not motivated in the traditional high school setting but were full of potential for greater academic achievement.
71 Spencer Street, Winsted CT, 06098 - Phone : 860-738-9070 - Contact Jill Johnson, Executive Director - EMail: - Website
Great Oaks Charter School
Our unrelenting focus on academic achievement with individualized care and support develops students' mindsets, skills and knowledge to prepare them for high school and college success. Grades 6-12.
375 Howard Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06605 - Phone : 203-870-8188 - EMail: - Website
IDCS (Integrated Day Charter School)
Integrated Day Charter School provides a safe, flexible and academically challenging learning environment that meets the unique social, emotional academic and physical needs of reach child. IDCS students will become confident, socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners who apply their knowledge to improve themselves and the world around them. 68 Thermos Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360 - Phone 860-892-1900 - Contact Debby Allard, Director - Email: - Website:
Interdistrict School for Arts and Communications (ISAAC) was established in 1997. We are an independent, non-profit charter school located in the historic waterfront district of New London. ISAAC serves middle school students from up to 15 Connecticut communities. We inspire students through the arts, communication, and exploration in a collaborative multicultural community to be courageous citizens who are difference makers.
190 Governor Winthrop Boulevard, New London, CT 06320 - Phone 860-447-1003 x 105 - Contact Christine Pemberton, Director of Finance & Human Resources - Email: - Website:
LEARN, a Regional Educational Service Center (RESC) established in 1967 by local districts, serves 24 school districts in southeastern Connecticut, with a student population of nearly 53,000. Through its leadership and resources and by working with schools, students, families, and other community agencies, LEARN promotes regional and statewide cooperation and provides a framework for districts to achieve their goals.
44 Hatchetts Hill Road, Old Lyme, CT 06371 – Phone 860-434-4800 – Contact Katherine Ericson, Executive Director – Website:
New England Science and Sailing Foundation (NESS)
Our mission is to empower students with a love of learning through ocean-based experiential programs that serve schools, teachers and families. A unique education model that empowers students with leadership, teamwork, confidence and problem solving skills using marine science, sailing, powerboating and adventure sports as learning platforms.. 72 Water Street, Stonington, CT 06378 – Phone 860-535-9362 – Contact Kasey Commander, Associate Director, Marketing & Communications – Email: - Website:
Odyssey Community School
We strive to support the development of students into successful, well-respected members of their community by promoting academic excellence, self confidence and the internalization of our core values: Courage, Integrity, Respect, Curiosity, Leadership and Excellence. 579 Middle Turnpike West, Manchester, Ct 06040 – Phone 860-645-1234 – – Email: - Website: