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Connecticut Association of Boards of Education

CABE Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Committee Chairs

CABE Area Directors

Associate Directors

City Representatives

Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

CABE Board of Directors Guidebook

In addition to the Officers, the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education, Board of Directors, is made up of the Immediate Past President, City Representatives, Directors at large, any Connecticut Board Member who is a member of the NSBA Board of Directors, and chairmen of standing committees and subcommittees. Each of these individuals is expected to be particularly interested in and responsible to the groups they represent.

There are several general duties for all CABE Board of Directors members. It is the Board's responsibility to appoint an Executive Director.  The Board must also appoint an auditor and cause an audit to be conducted annually. The Board is the chief policy-making body for the management of the Association and along with the CABE Delegate Assembly, provides leadership for all local and regional Connecticut School Boards, and shall encourage participation in  CABE programs and the government relations process.

Individually and collectively, the Board shall serve as a public relations entity to the membership and to the public at large.